Friday, July 26, 2024

Clonmacnois Parish Bulletin July 28th 2024


Clonmacnois Parish

July 28th 2024

Seventeenth  Sunday (B)

Fr.  Tom Cox (Adm)                                              Tel. 090 9674125/  086-8319500 






Sat 27th July 7pm Celebrant Bishop Paul

-Brian & Josephine Kenny (Clondelara)

-Edward & Margaret Cogivan; Bernard, Peggy & Brendan & dec’d family members

Mon 29th 10am Mass Private Intention

Tues 30th 10am Mass

Wed 31st 10am Mass

Thurs 1st Aug No Mass

Mass at 7pm in Clonfanlough

Fri 2nd Aug 10am First Friday Mass



Sun 28th July 10:30am

Thurs 1st August 7pm

Sun 4th August 10:30am


Fri 2nd August 7pm

CLUAIN CHIARAIN Mass 31st July @ 7:30pm

WEDDING CONGRATULATIONS to Darragh Corbett (Shannonbridge) who married Ciara Coughlan (Noggus) recently.

OFFERTORY  July 21st   €685Thank you for your financial support. You can also support using electronic transfer if it is more convenient. Bank details are :

Clonmacnois Parochial Account.

MEELICK TRIDUUM will be held in St.Francis' Church,Meelick, Eyrecourt, Co.Galway (on Wed July 31st, Thurs August 1st & 2nd. Mass will be celebrated each evening on Thursday & Friday. Mass on Wednesday will be in Meelick cemetery. All are welcome.



Mon July 29th Feast of Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus who welcomed Jesus to their home. Martha generously offered him hospitality, Mary listened attentively to his words & later Jesus resurrected Lazarus

Wed. 31st July. St. Ignatius of Loyala 1491 -1556 founded the society of Jesus, the Jesuits. His great theme was the service of God and God’s greater Glory. The experience of his conversion led to his writing of the Spiritual Excercises.

Thurs August 1st St. Alphonsus of Liguori Fri Aug. 2nd The indulgence of St.Mary of the Portincula Father, we honour the glorious memory of the Virgin Mary, Queen of Angels, we ask that by the help of her prayers we too may come to share the fullness of your grace. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son.Who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever.

 World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly… This Sunday, July 28th, is World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly. The date is chosen because it is the closest Sunday to the feast of Saints Joachim and Ann, the parents of Our Lady: the grandparents of Jesus. This is a celebration that was inaugurated by Pope Francis in 2021, and offers us an important reminder of the importance of the role that grandparents and the elderly play in our communities. And that role is, simply put, immense. There was a time when to be over 70 meant not only to be old, but also possibly in ill health. That is, thankfully, no longer the case. Increasingly, people are enjoying good health into their 80s and even their 90s. The active lifestyles of our older people, and their tremendous energy, are things that would not have been familiar in our society even 30 years ago. And thank God that such is the case. Without that energy we would be much, much poorer

Bishops’ pastoral letter ‘Freedom to Live Fully, Until Death Comes’ and ‘Through the Valley’ video “Every human person possesses an infinite dignity, inalienably grounded in his or her very being, which prevails in and beyond every circumstance, state, or situa      on the person may ever encounter.” With that in mind, the Bishops of Ireland wish to invite people to consider once again some of the essential elements of the Church’s teaching on care at the end of life. Please see link below

 Prayer for the Victims and Survivors of Sexual Abuse Heavenly Father, who loves and cares for all of your children, especially the smallest and most vulnerable, we entrust to you the lives of the many children and vulnerable adults, who have been sexually abused, and whose trust and innocence have been destroyed. Help us to hear their cries of pain and to take responsibility for so many broken lives. We pray that within their communities and families they may find understanding and support so that with the help of your grace their wounds may be healed, and they may again know peace. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who shared our weakness in all things but sin, and lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit forever and ever

 PASTORAL LETTER : Bishop Paul Connell has issued a Pastoral Letter about the Proposed Pastoral Areas in the Diocese of Ardagh and Clonmacnois.  A few Copies still available in both Churches & also available on the parish Blog and on

SHANNONBRIDGE/DOON G.A.A.  LOTTO July 22nd ’24 Draw  Results Numbers drawn 1-4-13-25 No Winner, One Match 3. Jackpot now  €10,200. Next draw 2/8/24

MINISTRIES Readers:  3/8/24 @7pm Cemetery Reader Clonmacnois   4/8/24 :10:30am Maura Molloy (CF) Communion 3/8//24 @7pm Cemetery Mass 4/8/24 @10:30 Anne Rohan  Church Care M. McManus, C. Slattery. A Corbett (SB) Marian Devery, Anne Kelly (CF) (July) Counters Shannonbridge  (August) Servers; 3/8/24 @7pm L. Fitzpatrick, K. Rocke, D O’Duffy (Cemetery)4/8/24 @ 10:30am C Daly, C. Mahon. S&O Trainor

WALSINGHAM HOUSE (RETREAT CENTRE) in the Diocese of Brentwood in the U.K. covers all of East London and Essex, are currently recruiting a new Manager and Programme Leader. The retreat house welcomes over 5,000 young people each year where young adults are accompanied and formed in leadership within the Catholic Church in the spirit of Christus Vivit. Specific responsibilities include leading retreats, and leading and training the volunteer community. The post holder also has overall responsibility for Safeguarding and (together with the Site Manager) Health and Safety. Applications Close 30th August. For more info. Email


High Street Belmont Women's Group thanks sincerely all who supported our Cake Sale and Raffle for the Irish Cancer Society Daffodil Day. Total raised was £3,455. Huge thanks to everyone involved

FR. TOM  COX (who moves to Keadue, Arigna & Ballyfarnon Parish on August 23rd) will celebrate his lastweekend Vigil Mass on Saturday, August 17th at 7pm in Shannonbridge Church There will be a cup of tea and refreshments in the Shannonbridge Community Centre afterwards. All are very welcome.

SHANNONBRIDGE ACTIVE RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION (S.A.R.A.) meeting on Tuesday 6th August in the Old Fort (River Café) at 11am

REEK SUNDAY This weekend when people climb the Holy mountain of Croagh Patrick . St. Patrick climbed this holy mountain and prayed and fasted there. This tradition of climbing mountains and high places is older than St. Patrick. It was believed that the sacred dwelled in these high places. This search for the sacred is a journey that all of us have to make individually. Masses on the Summit of the mountain hourly from 9am to 2pm. Confessions will be heard from 7:30am - 2pm


July 29th Clonmacnois Cemetery Clean up 7pm




While every effort has been made to print an accurate list of burials since our last gathering– there may be an error. Please review and let me know.

(Clonmacnois Parish deaths in heavy print)

Teresa Egan Bloomhill 18/7.23

Seamus (Jimmy) Galvin Clonaderig 27/7/23

Mary Allen  (Shanonbridge) 9/8/23

Aidan Farrell Clonaderig12/8/23

John Bogan Enfield 12/8/23

Ethna Daly Ballinahowen 1/9/23

Kieran Rigney Rashina 20/9/23

Daniel Farrelly Shannonbridge 28/9/23  

Celine Grennan 13 October 2023

Kathleen Darcy (Clonascra)30/10/23

Elizabeth (Lily)Flannery Ballinasloe 18/11/23

Martin Donegan (Shannonbridge) 20/11/23

Oliver T. Egan (Maynooth) 5/12/23

Olive Spain (Clonaderig)6/12/23

Christopher Mooney  (Athlone) 9/12/23

Michael O’Brien (Fardrum) 8/12/23

*Michael Fitzpatrick 10th December 2023 (interred elsewhere)

Annie Anderson (Creevagh) 1/1/24

Demot (Derry) Killeen (Shannonbridge) 18/1/24

Josephine Egan (Maynooth) 30/1/24

Joseph O’Leary (Clonascra) 17/2/24

Patricia Canny (Sheffield )24/2/24

Winifred Robinson (Gorey)4/4/24

Jimmy Fox (Roscarn Ballinasloe) 9/4/24

Bernadette Kenny (Serenity Lodge)   24/4/24

Martin Ryan (Bloomhill) 20/5/24

Aidan Duffy (Skerries)15/5/24

Thomas  McEvoy (Clonascra) 15/6/24

Mary Healy (Serenity Lodge) 19/6/24

Perpetual Novena to Our Lady of Knock: Wednesday 14th August – Thursday 22nd August 2024.

Clonfert Cemetery Mass on this Tuesday 30th July at 7 p.m.


 ANNUAL DIOCESAN PRILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK will take place on Sunday 1 st September

Parish Pattern Day Mon Sept 9th @7pm             Clonmacnois Pattern Day Sun Sept 15th@3pm

 Parish  Cemetery Masses

-Fri 2nd August 7pm in Mullinakill (Glebe)

-Sat August 3rd 7pm in Clonmacnois Cemetery

-Friday August 16th @7pm in Cloniffeen









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