Tuesday, July 09, 2024

June 30th 2024 Clonmacnois Parish Bulletin


Clonmacnois Parish

June 30th  2024

Thirteenth Sunday (B)

Fr. Tom Cox (Adm)

Tel. 090 9674125/ 086-8319500

Email: clonmacnoiseparish@gmail.com

WEB shannonbridge.blogspot.ie

FACEBOOK www.fb.me/saintciarans



 ‘They were overcome with astonishment’

The English word miracle derives from an Indo-European word ‘smeiros’ meaning ‘to smile’. The Gospels record thirty-seven miracles performed by Jesus. Each miracle story reminds us that His presence always makes a difference. When He is invited into a situation, no matter how desperate, things change for the better. In today’s Gospel extract, we hear of the raising from the dead of the daughter of Jairus and the healing of the woman who suffered from a long-term haemorrhage. In each case the encounter is personal. In each case a request for healing is made. Jairus, a synagogue official, a man of substance in the community makes the request publicly on behalf of his daughter. The unnamed woman, a person of humble standing, makes her own request privately. Both Jairus and the woman have expectant faith in the Lord and their faith is rewarded. Jesus does not disappoint those who seek His assistance. Neither does He discriminate between the famous and the not so famous. With touch, He healed their bodies. With words, He healed their spirits. With love, He healed their hearts. It is interesting to note that the healing of the woman occurred as Jesus made His way to the home of Jairus. The Master was not annoyed at being sidetracked, because He understood that sometimes what happens on the journey can be as important as what happens when we reach our destination! Many people smiled that day



Sat 29th 7pm (Vigil)

-Jimmy, Lizzie, James Joseph & Baby Joseph McManus (Leitra)

 - Kieran Hanniffy

Mon July 1st 10am

Tues July 2nd 10am

Wed July 3rd No Mass (Server Tour)

Thurs July 4th 10am

Fri July 5th 10am

Sat July 6th 7pm Josephine Bailey (1st Anniv.) Carrowkeel


Sun 30th 10:30am Peoples Intentions

Fri 5th June 7pm Shane Hynes 5th Anniv

Sun 7th July 10:30am

CLUAIN CHIARAIN Mass 26/6/24 7:30pm

OFFERTORY June 23rd  €670 Shrine €100 Final June Totals for  Monthly €232 Pentecost Dues €1,805Holy Land €260

Thank you for your financial support. You can also support using electronic transfer if it is more convenient. Bank details are : Clonmacnois Parochial Account. BIC-BOFIIE2DXXX IBAN-IE90BOFI90368011629381 FEAST DAYS

BAPTISM - We welcomed into the family of God Kieran Kelly (New York) and Killian Kelly (Yonkers, New York) last weekend

BISHOPS’ PASTORAL LETTER: To address the sensitive issue of compassionate care at the end of life, the Bishops of Ireland have published a pastoral letter: “Freedom to Live Fully, Until Death Comes”. You are invited to read this letter online and view the accompanying video “Through the Valley” which offers personal testimonies by carers and people with a terminal illness. The key message of both the letter and video asserts that every person possesses inherent, infinite dignity that remains intact regardless of their circumstances. In this context, Bishops strongly oppose the Oireachtas Committee’s proposal to Government to legislate for assisted suicide and call on support for healthcare workers who uphold the sanctity of life. To view the pastoral letter & video, visit www.catholicbishops.ie


Cemetery Masses

-Fri 2nd August 7pm in Mullinakill (Glebe)

-Sat August 3rd 7pm in Clonmacnois Cemetery -Friday August 16th @7pm in Cloniffeen

Those we love don't go away; They walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard but always near. Sill loved, still missed, and very dear. Wishing us hope in the midst of sorrow, Offering comfort in the midst of pain, both today and tomorrow.

 THE RALLY FOR LIFE 2024 - Is on Saturday 6th July at 1.30pm from Parnell Square, Dublin, departing from The Garden of Remembrance. Please contact The Life Institute for travel arrangements.

 HIGH STREET / BELMONT WOMEN’S GROUP - Open Air Cake Sale, Shannonbridge Pottery, Hampers and Raffle in aid of Daffodil Day on Sunday 14th July in High Street after 12 noon Mass. Your support would be much appreciated.

PERMACULTURE DESIGN WORKSHOP Saturday 3rd August, 10am - 4pm. €50 - €80 Croghanhill, Co. Offaly. A holistic approach to designing and planning a garden - observe deeply, plan wisely and save effort. Family friendly event. For more information and to register: Info@CooleEcoCommunity.ie or call Siobhán 089 2196045.

SHANNONBRIDGE/DOON G.A.A. LOTTO June 24th Results Numbers drawn 6-11-15-22 No Winner. Eight Two Match 3 winners. Jackpot now €9,400. Next draw 24/6/25

 MINISTRIES Readers: 6/7/24 @7pm Ruth Quirke (SB) 7/7/24 :10:30am Della Fitzgerald (CF) Communion 6/7/24 @7pm Dympna Fitzpatrick 7/7/24 @10:30 Leanne Quinn Church Care Dympna Fitzpatrick, Dympna OÇarroll, Linda Moran (SB) Niamh Egan, Anne Rohan (CF) (July)  Counters Clonfanlough (July) Servers; 6/7/24 @7pm L Fitzpatrick, K. Rocke, D O’Duffy (SB) 7/7/24 @ 10:30am M O’Shea, C. Daly, C. Mahon, S. Trainor, O.Trainor

[Think I inserted the wrong serving teams on June 23rd bulletin. Above is correct as per issued rota for July 6/7th ]

CLONFANLOUGH HALLMusic Generation: Music Explorers Summer Camp Monday 15th to Friday 19th July. Ages 5 - 12 yrs , 10 am to 1.30 pm, €80.   See Music Generation Offaly Facebook Page for bookings

Paddle4Parkinsons: Frank Mullen, who has Parkinsons is undertaking the 300 km journey down the Shannon in aid of Parkinsons 28th June - 7th July. He began last Friday in Dowra and is scheduled to begin the Athlone-Clonmacnois leg on Tuesday, July 2nd starting 9am and (I think) from the website dure to start the Shannonbridge to Banagher leg at 2pm. He hopes to arrive in Banagher at 7 p.m. on Tuesday 2nd July. If you would like to donate to this worthy cause go to paddle4parkinsons

Sunday July 28th Knock Shrine National Grandparents Pilgrimage 2024 – Theme ‘Do not cast me off in my old age’ Principal Celebrant Archbishop Luis Mariano Montemayor Papal Nuncio of Ireland.

Light the Fire at Ballintubber Abbey on August 4th. Rekindle the fire of Faith, Hope and Love. Archbishop Francis Duffy will be the main celebrant. Further information www.lightthefire.ie

I feel the healing hands of God touch my heart and kiss my soul.”  Harley King



 Drawn from this Sundays Readings....

A Prayer:

 “Jesus took he by the hand and helped her up” Jesus you are God’s gospel presence For our broken and fractured world. For all who have felt betrayed and let down, take them by the hand to a place of understanding. For those angry, having never been heard, take them by the hand and help them tell their story. For those in our church who failed our young people, take us by the hand to a place of repentance. For all of us in our church, wounded by painful truth, take us by the hand to a place of healing. For all of us entrusted with the care of others, take us by the and to a gentle Shepherd. For all of our church at this time of darkness, take us by the hand into your infinite light of Compassion. Amen


July 1st St. Oliver Plunkett celebrated on Mon. 1st July. St. Oliver Plunkett was hanged drawn and quartered on 1st July 1681 at Tyburn, London. He was the last Catholic to die for his faith at Tyburn and the first of the Irish Martyrs to be beatified in 1920. He was canonised by Pope Paul VI on 12th Oct. 1975. He is venerated in St. Peter’s Church, Drogheda.

July 3rd St. Thomas, Apostle celebrated on Wed. 3rd July. St. Thomas is said to have preached the gospel in India where he was martyred. The faith that led him to know Jesus in his wounds also sent him to the farthest places to preach the gospel.

Prayer to Saint Thomas the Apostle O Glorious Saint Thomas, your grief for Jesus was such that it would not let you believe he had risen unless you actually saw him and touched his wounds. But your love for Jesus was equally great and it led you to give up your life for him. Pray for us that we may grieve for our sins which were the cause of Christ's sufferings. Help us to spend ourselves in his service and so earn the title of "blessed" which Jesus applied to those who would believe in him without seeing him. Amen.

FOOT CARE: MOBILE Foot Health Practitioner Service House Calls Available Daytime and Evening:Maura (086) 8053671

Clonfert Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2024 takes place from August 7th -12th departing from Shannon airport. Further enquiries from Society Travel: 090 9645350 or 087 9479141



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