Wednesday, March 12, 2003

John Boland Moore tells us that Moore Dramatic Society are producing Sive
this year and go on stage in Moore from 21st to 23rd March.
Good news for Shannonbridge is they are considering a one night stand in
Shannonbridge Hall with proceeds to charity.
Sunday's paper had a quiz that included 1. Irish women are the most fertile
in the Eu,according to a survey.How many babies do they have on average?
2 What is the life expectancy of the average Irish male ?
3 After much deliberation what will be the official name for the Dublin Spire.
Michael Green from California sent a picture taken at Gene Carthy's
Daughters wedding.Thanks for the news.You act fast Michael.
Weather today more pleasant after wind rain thunder and lightning.
Floods has got higher and near winter levels on the callows.

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