Sunday, January 01, 2006

Clonmacnois Parish Newsletter
Sunday 1st Jan 2006 - Mary Theotokos Sun
Tel (090) 9674125
Fax (090) 9674267
Masses: Mon-Thurs & Sat @ 10am
Fri 6th Jan is the Feast of the Epiphany, a Holy Day;
Vigil Mass on Thurs @ 8pm, on Fri @ 12noon.
Fri is also the First Fri: Adoration after Mass until 5pm
Last Sunday's Offertory collection: €1147. Many Thanks
Church Cleaners: M.Killeen, A.Keena
Eucharistic ministers: Group 3
Readers for next Weekend:
Altar Servers: Brian, RuaidhrĂ­, Ailbhe, Tara, Mary Anne
Fri is the Feast of the Epiphany: Mass @ 10.30am
Last Sunday's Offertory collection: €701. Many Thanks
Church Cleaners: N.Egan, A.Rohan
Readers for Epiphany: S.Coughlan; For next Sunday: A.Loonam, P.Guinan
Altar Servers for next Sunday: Group 1
Eucharistic minister for next Sunday: B.Coughlan

The sick will be attended not on this Fri, but on Fri 13th Jan
Some Quotations

? Home is where the heart is. (Pliny the Elder)
? What a father says to his children is not heard by the world, but will be heard by posterity. (Jean Paul Eixhter)
? The family, grounded on marriage freely contracted, monogamous and indissoluble, is and must be considered the first and essential cell of humanity. (Pope John 23rd)

Some Proverbs

? There are no praises and no blessings for those who are ashamed of their families. (Jewish Proverb)
? Nobody’s family can hang out the sign ‘Nothing the matter here.’
(Chinese Proverb)

? The one thing children wear out faster than shoes is parents.
(John Plump)
? Children are adept at comprehending modern statistics. When they say, ’Everyone else is allowed to,’ it is usually based on a survey of one. (Paul Sweeney)
? As I understand it, heredity is what a man believes in until his son begins to act like a delinquent. (Presbyterian Life)
Most people have forgotten nowadays what a home can mean, though some of us have come to realise it as never before. It is a kingdom of its own in the midst of the world, a haven of refuge amid the turmoil of our age. It is not founded on the shifting sands of private and public life, but has its peace in God. For it is God who gave it its special meaning and dignity, its destiny & worth. (Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The Mummer's Festival takes place @ New Inn Leisure Centre on Sat next @ 8pm for Seniors; on Sun @ 2.30pm for Juniors.

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