Sunday, June 23, 2013

Clonmacnois Parish Newsletter
Sunday 23rd June 2013 – 12 C
Tel (090) 9674125.  Email:
Mass times: Shannonbridge: Weekend, 8pm (Sat), & 12 noon, Sun;
Weekdays, 10am.                  Clonfanlough – Sunday, 10.30am


Masses: Daily @ 10am, Fri @ 7pm

Last Sunday's Offertory collection:.   Many Thanks

Church Cleaners: M.Darcy, M.Murphy, M.McManus

Ministers of Holy Communion: Group 1

Readers for next Weekend: Group 4, S.Grennan, Sr Marie

Altar Servers for this week: Group 1, Andrea, Stephanie, Jenny

‘Months Mind’ Mass for Brigid Cassidy on next Sat eve



Last Sunday's Offertory collection.   Many Thanks

Church Cleaners: M.Devery, A.Kelly

Readers for next Sunday: A.Kelly

Altar Servers for next Sunday: Group 1

Minister of Holy Communion for next Sunday: N.O’Shea


Shannonbridge ARA Summer Social will take place in the Hall on next Fri after Mass @ 7pm.  All welcome.


All-Ireland Rally for Life on Sat 6th July in Parnell Sq, Dublin City Centre, @ 2pm

Let’s keep the momentum for life alive. Come & see: pro-life speakers; pro-life bands; family friendly fun.’


“Bernie and Deirdre Boland would like to thank everyone for their generosity towards Arthritis Ireland.

We raised a total of €700, which will go towards much needed research and care. Thanks to all, who baked and purchased cakes, donated or helped in anyway.”


Irish Cancer Society sends heartfelt thanks for your contributions to the recent Church gate Collection which realised €480.


George Bernard Shaw is perhaps most renowned as a free thinker and liberal philosopher. In his last writings we read, “The science to which I pinned my faith is bankrupt. Its counsels, which should have established the millennium, led, instead, directly to the suicide of Europe. I believed them once. In their name I helped to destroy the faith of millions of worshippers in the temples of a thousand creeds. And now they look at me and witness the great tragedy of an atheist who has lost his faith.”             (Source unknown)



Sat 27th July , Mass & blessing of graves in Clonmacnois @ 7.30pm

Thurs 15th Aug, Mass for Cluster Parishes in Clonmacnois @ 7.30pm

Sun 1st Sept, Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock

Sun 15th Sept, Pattern day in Clonmacnois starting @ 3pm

You might like to visit Lough Derg, where the 3-day Pilgrimages run until 13th Aug


Questions people ask                                                       (Fr O’Flynn-Intercom)                                                         Q. Why is the Eve of St John the Baptist celebrated as bonfire night?

A. It takes over from the fires of the pagan mid-Summer festival which marked the start of the sun’s decline. The humble John the Baptist regarded himself as a light destined to decrease as the light of Christ took over. I remember an old lady blessing our bonfire with a yellow weed called St John’s Wort. An ancient legend held that this plant was tipped with the Baptist’s blood

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