Saturday, 11th January 7:00p.m.
Michael & Stephen Shrahan (Anniv)
Masses for the week: Monday 13th - Sunday 19th January
Ordinary Time begins on Mon 13th January, Sunday Cycle A, Weekday Cycle 2.
Monday, 13th January - St. Hilary
[10am Service of Word & Communion]
Tuesday, 14th January 10 Mass
Wednesday 15th January St. Ita 10 Mass
Thursday, 16th Jan - St. Fursa10 Mass
Friday, 17th Jan -St. Anthony 10 Mass
Saturday, 18th January 12 Noon Peadar Allen
Vigil Mass of Sunday, 19th January - 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sat 7:00p.m. Damien Kenny & Ina Slevin (Cloghan) we welcome “Do This in Memory” First Communicant Group ]
CHRISTIAN UNITY WEEK runs from next Saturday 18th to Saturday 25th January. This is a week of special prayer for Church unity
Sunday, 12th January - Baptism of the Lord 10:30a.m.
Earl & Peetie Kelly & Dec’d members of the Earls and Kelly families
RECENT DEAT HS Please pray for the soul of Michael Feighery Clononey, Shannonharbour
CLUAIN CHIARAIN Jan 15th 7.30pm
COLLECTIONS: Offertory Jan 4th/5th 2020 €963 Shrine €93 Jan 6th (Epiphany) €285 Jan Monthly €805
PARISH CALENDARS at Church porches and you are welcome to take a copy home
COLLECTION: ARDAGH CLONMACNOIS DIOCESAN LOURDES PILGRIMAGE: As Announced the Lourdes Assisted Pilgrim Fund collection will be taken up after Holy Communion this weekend in both churches in the parish. Please give generously.
NEW READERS TRAINING MEETING Parochial House, Tuesday 14th January 9p.m.
Be still For The Presence
Be still for the presence of the Lord The holy one is here. Come bow before him now With reverence and fear. In him no sin is found; We stand on holy ground. Be still for the presence of the lord The holy one is here
Spirit Of The Living God
Spirit of the living God, Fall afresh on me, (2) Melt me, mould me, Fill me, use me. Spirit of the living God, Fall afresh on me. (Us, Them, All)
Christ be our light
Longing for light, we wait in darkness. Longing for truth, we turn to you. Make us your own, your holy people, Light for the world to see. Christ be our light! Shine in our hearts. Shine through the darkness. Christ, be our light! Shine in your church gathered today
We extend our invitation to any potential new members also, if you think you would like to join the club committee or have an input for the coming year please come along - The more the merrier. The club has made excellent strides in the last couple of years in particular, we are riding the crest of a wave and 2020 promises to be another huge year for the club both on the playing field (once again as a Senior club) and with phase one of our facilities development due to commence
.MINOR CLUB AGM will be held next Monday evening at 8.30pm in the health centre in the village. Calling on parents in particular to attend this very important meeting for the coming year!
Don’t miss Shannonbridge GAA AWARDS NIGHT!!
Saturday 8th February 2020 in County Arms hotel.. This promises to be a brilliant night where our county champions will be presented with their medals for this year’s amazing Intermediate championship victory!! Music on the night by The LOLS Tickets (€40) from Tony Rohan 086 882 2451 Vincent Costello 087 901 0340
Saturday 8th February 2020 in County Arms hotel.. This promises to be a brilliant night where our county champions will be presented with their medals for this year’s amazing Intermediate championship victory!! Music on the night by The LOLS Tickets (€40) from Tony Rohan 086 882 2451 Vincent Costello 087 901 0340
Niamh Ryan Egan 086 332 0017
Jason Mahon 086 8211559
ALSO available at AGM on Friday 17th Jan in Clonfanlough Hall and on Friday 24th Jan between 8-9pm in Health Centre, Shannonbridge

Shanonbridge:Sat 18th January @7:00 p.m.
Server Grp 1 Emily D, James D, Ruth Q, Grace F. Reader: Ffionn Anderson
E.M. Fergal Moran Ch Care Jacinta Kelly, Ann Keena COUNTERS Clonfanlough
Clonfanlough:Sun 19th Jan @10:30am
Server Grp 2 Neasa T, Eva S
Reader: Declan McEvoy
Euch Min.:Anne Rohan
Church Care– Jan Mary Guinan/ Anne Guinan
FERBANE/BELMONT CE SCHEME VACANCY- Have vacancies for a General Operative and Caretaker Grounds person. For info. contact 086 8160567.
INVITATION TO MINISTRIES - A new year can be a time to consider taking up a new role in life. We acknowledge with gratitude the many people in our Parish who give their services, time and talent to enrich our Parish Ministry. We would be happy to hear from others who may wish to volunteer in these or other roles:, Readers, Choirs, Church Care, Eucharistic Ministers, Collectors. We would be happy to hear from you.
WEST OFFALY TRAINING - Are running some great courses in 2020. New After School Coding for Kids starting 14th & 16th January (Micro:bit & Stop Motion), ECDL starting 20th January, MS Excel & Word starting 22nd January, Makeup Course starting 27th January, Tai Chi starting 27th January, Understanding Autism starting 5th February, Mindfulness Course starting 5th February. Train the Trainer QQI Level 6 starting 7th February, Manual Handling/ Abrasive Wheel training (weekly). Call 057 9152003 to find out more
DOON / SHANNONBRIDGE GAA LOTTO - The winning numbers in last week’s lotto draw were 4, 14, 26, 27. No jackpot winner. One match 3 winner. This week’s jackpot is €12,600 and the draw will be held in Shannonbridge on Monday 13th January.
NEW YEARS PRAYER VIGIL in Cluain Chiaráin Prayer Centre Clonmacnois, Friday 17th January. Mass at 9pm. Adoration, prayers and refreshments follow until 2.15am. Contact Dave 085 7746763.
CEMETERY WREATHS A gentle reminder to remove any old Christmas Wreaths from our plots and bring them home.Let us help keep our loved ones resting place clean.
Jacob Kelly -Zac Kenny- Kieran Breen-
Neasa McManus Thade Maloney- Daniel Kelly- Seán Tomás Kelly O’Connor- Katie Turley-
Alfie Shrahan- Ciaran Martin
Seán McElhinney- Grace O’Duffy- Ada Kelly-Ethan Rocke- Benjamin Rocke Da Silva-
Tom Larkin—Aoife Kelly-
Michael Dawson- Mary Ann Dawson
May God’s angels guard them on their journey through life.
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