Vigil Mass of Sunday, 19th January - 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sat 7:00p.m. Damien Kenny & Ina Slevin (Cloghan) & James Higgins we welcome “Do This in Memory” First Communicant Group ]
Monday, 20th January - St. Fabian
[10am Service of Word & Communion]
Tuesday, 21st January - St. Agnes of Rome 10a.m. Mass
Wednesday 22nd January - St. Vincent of Saragossa 10a.m. Mass
Thursday, 23rd January10a.m. Mass
Friday, 24th January - St. Francis de Sales 10a.m. Mass Joe & Kathleen Turley
S). Lord, hear us.aturday 25th January 7:00p.m. Rita Kenny
Sunday 19th January 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 10:30a.m. Deceased Members of Rigney Family
Sunday 26th January 10:30a.m. Dan Edwards M/M & Dec’d members of Edwards Family
John Loonam, Brendan Loonam, & dec’d members of Loonam family.
RECENT DEATHS Please pray for the soul of Christeen Reynolds (Ballinasloe & Shannonbridge ) And Seamus Grennan Shannonbridge who were laid to rest.
CLUAIN CHIARAIN Jan 22nd 7.30pm
COLLECTIONS: Offertory Jan 12th €903 Shrine €47 Monthly €880 Lourdes Fund €449
SHANNONBRIDGE FITNESS CLASSES classes on Tuesday at 8.15pm classes will run for 45 mins and cost €5,
SHANNONBRIDGE YOGA CLASSES ENROLLING We hope to start a Yoga Class in Shannonbridge Hall early February. Please contact Liz if interested 087 2410587
SUNDAY OF THE WORD OF GOD - Sunday 26th January has been set aside for the Word of God so as to appreciate the inexhaustible riches contained in that constant dialogue between the Lord and His people. Pope Francis has asked that this Sunday be devoted to the celebration, study and sharing of the Word of God.
Theme: “They showed us unusual kindness”.Acts of the Apostles (27:18--28:10).
Father, Your precious word illumines
our steps and without You
we remain lost and disorientated.
Holy Spirit, teach us through Your word
and each other to travel our Father’s path together, walking gently on Creation.
May each gathering of Your people
in churches everywhere crave
Your guiding, consoling and transforming presence. Give us the honesty we need to recognise when we lose or obscure Your light for others. Give us grace to hold onto You, ready and able to share Your light. We ask this in the name of Your Son Jesus, who calls us His followers, to be light to the world. Amen.
‘Look there is the Lamb of God’
We were always told as children that it was bad manners to point a finger at somebody. It is true, however, that there are times in life when it behoves us to point the way forward for others. This is especially the case for people of faith. We are faced with a very basic choice proposed by English writer HG Wells: ‘If there is no God nothing matters. If there is a God nothing else matters’. If we accept the latter proposition we must act. We are our brother’s and our sister’s keeper. As the Roman philosopher, Cicero declared over two thousand years ago: ‘not for ourselves alone are we born’. Like John the Baptist in today’s Gospel we must be continually pointing the way to the One who is the Way. Personal example is the best way to lead others to Christ. ‘Don’t tell them; show them’.
Saturday 8th February 2020 in County Arms hotel.. This promises to be a brilliant night where our county champions will be presented with their medals for this year’s amazing Intermediate championship victory!! Music on the night by The LOLS Tickets (€40) from Tony Rohan 086 882 2451 Vincent Costello 087 901 0340 Niamh Ryan Egan 086 332 0017 Jason Mahon 086 8211559
ALSO available on Friday 24th Jan between 8-9pm in Hall in Shannonbridge (please note change of venue)
Do not be anxious: Do not look forward in fear to the changes and chances of life Rather, look to them with full confidence, that as they arise. God, to whom you belong, will in love enable you to profit by them. God has guided and guarded you this far in lifeIf you but hold fast to God’s dear hand
Our God will lead you safely through all your trials. Whenever you cannot stand on your own
God will carry you lovingly in His arms.
Do not be anxious about what might happen tomorrow . The same Eternal Father who takes care of today Will take care of tomorrow also
Either you will be shielded from the suffering
Or you will be given unfailing strength to bear it. So be at peace then ; Put aside all useless thoughts All the dreads : All the anxious imaginations. A MEN
Shanonbridge:Sat 25th January @7:00 p.m.
Server Grp 2 Aoife F, Harry,Luke,Ellie & Noah O’D. Reader: Pattie Corbett
E.M. Sinead Ryan Ch Care Eileen Quinn, Dolly Deeley, Veronica Hynes COUNTERS Clonfanlough
Clonfanlough:Sun 26th Jan @10:30am
Server Grp 3 Teagan D, Alannah D, Sean O’S, Callie H, Ailish B Reader: Mary Kelly Euch Min.:Maura Molloy
Church Care– Jan Mary Guinan/ Anne Guinan
CREIDEAMH BOOK CLUB starting up: 1st Book: Dorothy Day’s autobiography “The long loneliness”. Meeting 8-9p.m. on Sun 26th in Family Centre.
SILENT RETREAT: by Foyer of Charity in St. Mary’s, Knock from Feb 24th – March 1st. Do you need to come away, have time for yourself and rest for a while? This is an invitation that Jesus is offering you. Full details: Helen (086) 1678027 / /
DOON / SHANNONBRIDGE GAA LOTTO - The winning numbers in last week’s lotto draw were 6, 9, 10, 18. No jackpot winner. Three match 3 winners. This week’s jackpot is €12,800 and the draw will be held in Doon on Monday 20th January.
CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEKS - Takes place from January 26th - 30th. Details next week
BANAGHER COLLEGE Coláiste na Sionna - Invites prospective First Year students and their parents to an OPEN NIGHT on Thursday 23rd January at 7.30pm.
GALLEN COMMUNITY SCHOOL - Invites prospective 2020 First Year students and their parents to an OPEN NIGHT on Tuesday 21st January at 7pm. Enrolment also takes place from Tuesday 21st January. Tel: 090 6453600
Lord Of All Hopefulness
Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy. Whose trust ever childlike No cares could destroy. / Be there at our waking and give us we pray. / Your bliss in our hearts, Lord,
at the break of the day. / Lord of all eagerness, Lord of all faith. / Whose strong hands were skilled at the plane and the lathe. / Be there at our labours and give us we pray / Your strength in our hearts, Lord,/ At the noon of the day.
Christ Be Beside Me.
Christ be beside me, Christ be before me, /Christ be behind me, King of my heart,/ Christ be within me, Christ be below me,/ Christ be above me, never to part. Christ on my right hand, Christ on my left hand. / Christ all around me, Shield in the strife. / Christ in my sleeping, Christ in my sitting. / Christ in my rising, light of my life.
Let There Be Peace.
Let there be peace shared among us./ Let there be peace in our lives / May now your peace sweep this nation./
Cause us O Lord to arise/ Give us a fresh understanding,
Brotherly love that is real. / Let there be peace shared among us,/ Let there be peace.
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