Sunday, January 28, 2007

Clonmacnois Parish Newsletter
Sunday 28th Jan 2007 - 4th Sun C
Tel (090) 9674125
Fax (090) 9674267
Masses: Each day @ 10am. Adoration on First Fri until 6pm
Thurs, 1Feb,feast of St Brigid; Fri, 2Feb Candlemas Day – blessing of candles; Sat 3Feb, St Blaise’s Day – blessing of throats
Last Sunday's Offertory collection: €520. Many Thanks
Church Cleaners: A.Ryan, L.Turley, M.Mitchell
Eucharistic ministers: Group 3
Readers for next Weekend: S.Grennan, O.Costello
Altar Servers for this week: Ailbhe, Aoife
Lourdes Invalid Fund: Many thanks for your contributions, which came to €380.00 in Shannonbridge.
Friday 2nd Feb: First Fri; Candlemas Day; Mass @ 7pm, which will include the “blessing of throats” & the blessing of candles.
This Mass will be said for the late Tommy & Rose Rohan.
Last Sunday's Offertory collection: €223. Many Thanks
Church Cleaners: M.Claffey, B.Coughlan
Readers for next Sunday: D.Norton
Altar Servers for next Sunday: Group D
Eucharistic minister for next Sunday: N.Egan
Anniversary Mass on next Sun for Brigid Rigney

Mass every Wed eve @ 7.30pm in the Prayer-Centre Clonmacnois.
Training Sessions to assist Ministers of the Word & Eucharist
Mon 29th Jan @ 8pm for Ministers of the Word
Tues 6th Feb @ 8pm for Ministers of the Word

Thurs 1st Feb @ 8pm for Ministers of the Eucharist
Thurs 8th Feb @ 8pm for Ministers of the Eucharist
If you are able & willing to attend please let me know, ASAP, so that the necessary arrangements can be made.
The courses are free, and tea / coffee will be provided.
Some Special Feasts
1st Feb – feast of St Brigid, patroness of Ireland
A tradition associated with this day is the making of “St Brigid’s crosses”. The story behind the crosses goes like this: she was nursing a non – Christian chieftain who was dying; sitting by his bedside she picked up some rushes from the floor and started plaiting them, from which she wove a cross, and used it to explain Christ’s passion and death. Brigid then spent some time telling the chieftain about Jesus, and before his death, he became a Christian.
2nd Feb – The Presentation of the Lord – Candlemas
Today we bless candles, which remind us of Christ, the light of the world. They are used daily at Mass. Also at Baptism, Holy Communion, Confirmation, at death and on Easter night, the candle is part of the celebration.
You are invited to bring candles for a blessing; then bring them home or leave them for use in the church.
3rd Feb – feast of St Blaise – special day for blessing of throats.
Annual Remembrance Service for bereaved parents of children who died, or who suffered miscarriages will be held in Portiuncula Hospital Chapel, on Wed 7th February @ 7.30pm
Stroke Care Support Group will meet 31st Jan @ 7pm in the Health Centre Ballinasloe.
Topic: 'Finding solutions to problems in Activities of daily living.'
A new Christian
We welcome into the Christian Community Patrick W. Ryan, son of John & Sinéad, Woodbank, who was baptised last Sunday.

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