Sunday, July 01, 2007

Clonmacnois Parish Newsletter
Sunday 1st July2007 - 13th Sun C
Tel (090) 9674125
Fax (090) 9674267
Mass times: Shannonbridge - Weekend, 8pm (Sat), & 12noon Sun;
Weekdays, 10am. Clonfanlough - Sunday, 10.30am

Masses: Each day @ 10am
Adoration on First Fri until 6pm
Last Sunday's Offertory collection: €465. Many Thanks
Church Cleaners: M.McManus, C.Slattery, A.Corbett
Eucharistic ministers: Group 1
Readers for next Weekend:
Altar Servers for this week: Megan, Michaela
Mass on next Sat eve for the late Edward & Elizabeth Connor
Mass for First Fri @ 7pm
Last Sunday's Offertory collection: €220. Many Thanks
Church Cleaners: B.Higgins, D.Guinan
Readers for next Sunday: L & A. Devery
Altar Servers for next Sunday: Group A
Eucharistic minister for next Sunday: B.Coughlan

Meeting of Parish Pastoral C. on this Mon In Clonfanlough @ 8pm
National Learning Network
The Fresh Start Training Programme in Athlone has a limited number of vacancies for Sept. This is a FÁS approved Vocational course for people with special needs, recovering from illness, or unemployed, and aims to build confidence, up-skill and help reach potential in the workplace. (No Fees).
If interested Martin on 090-6441260.
Mother & Toddler Group
A Meeting will be held in the Parish Hall on Mon 9th July @ 8pm to establish a Mother & Toddler Group for the Parish. Parents with pre-school children are invited to attend. If you have any queries, call Linda on 087-6485892.
Questions people ask
Q. How can I answer my son who says there is no need to belong to any church, just follow your own conscience?
R. The problem is that there are right consciences & wrong ones. If individual conscience alone mattered, then why did Jesus instruct his apostles and send them out to instruct the whole world? Why have any moral teachers at all? One of the functions of the church is to instruct our consciences in the light of God's revealed truth. Of course, if we were all perfect we would not need a church to guide us. The church is a home for imperfect people. (Fr O'Flynn - Intercom)
Knock Summer Youth Festival, Thurs 26th - Sun 29th July
At Knock Shrine, is an opportunity for young people to take time out to reflect on their lives and what God is offering….."Life to the Full"!
Cost is on donation basis with accommodation & food provided.
Free buses will be provided from certain locations.
For info contact Ann on 094-9388100, or Sheena on 01-6753690.
International Pilgrimage for Matt Talbot to Knock - 15th July
A bus will travel on the day, and the fare will be €15 for adults and €8 for children. If you are interested, please leave a deposit of €5 in Killeens before 10th July. For more details contact Ann Yates on 090-6457303.

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